Each Healing Session lasts around an hour to an hour and a half and involves a 'diagnostic process' usually followed by a specific healing, arrived at during this conversation between healer and client.
This time of discussion and questioning is not a traditional 'therapy session' though it may have similar moments of self discovery for the client. It is a time of being with what is showing up in the client's life, without digging for material to unburden or searching for the best healing. Everything that needs to be done occurs in the seemingly casual and yet intimate conversation between the healer and the client - the healing is 'arrived at' through their relationship, awareness and presence. It is the healer's job to be present and curious, it is the client's job to be.
Nondual Healing Sessions are not limited by location and can be conducted over the telephone with as much efficacy as those done 'in person'. The nonlocal and nondual nature of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing means that the healing sessions can be arranged to suit the client; from the office during a lunch break, at home in the early evening and by visiting with me directly.
Most of the healings are received by the client whilst lying on a massage table, there are a few that do not require the client to lie down, though they may require a different type of participation. Telephone healing sessions are conducted in the same way; after the diagnostic process, the client will make themselves comfortable so a healing can be received.
The client remains fully clothed throughout these healings and is connected to the healer by only the lightest of hands on touching, in places that feel safe and comfortable to the client.