Monday, October 4, 2010

What is Nondual Healing?

Nondual Healing, also known as Integrated Kabbalistic Healing, is a deeply transformative healing modality. It works with all levels of our Being; physical, emotional, spiritual and with all forms of Life's manifest pain and suffering so that over time - through these myriad gateways - we know the freedom of being who we truly are, which is also who we have always have been. And we continue the unfolding process into all that we are meant to be; free, awake, alive.

Life, then, becomes deep and not long. What might start out as a panicked rush to find the key; the answer to end all our suffering, becomes a pulsing throb of curiosity and vitality. We restore the power and foundation of our lives, and of living, to within ourselves and fuel up for the 'journey home'.

"Fixing ourselves is not the same as being ourselves." ~ Geneen Roth

Based on a new paradigm for healing founded by Jason Shulman, which integrates thirteenth-century Kabbalistic wisdom, the latest theories in quantum physics, twentieth-century psychological insight and teachings of nonduality, this extraordinary approach to healing acknowledges and nurtures our relationship to the source of all healing power, which can be called God-cleaving or awakening to the Real.

Integrated Kabbalistic Healing (IKH) challenges the concepts of real, awakened, enlightenment, freedom, and even healing itself, as defined by our current ideology of health and psychological wholeness. It gives them a new spaciousness, liberates them from our imposed constraints and limitations and therefore liberates us.

IKH/Nondual Healing acknowledges, and in fact relies upon the nondual nature of the client healer relationship and the implicit Divinity in all things. It begins and ends with the understanding of our inherent, if sometimes concealed, wisdom and wholeness and along the way it uncovers the deep truth and essential trustworthiness of this structural reality and thus of life. We awaken to our trust in life's ability to hold us and in our ability to be whole in the face of all that life is. We learn to trust ourselves to be present to whatever shows up and to hold ourselves together when we might have previously shattered. This work is done within the diagnostic process and healing sessions and as part of the business of living. They cannot be separated; living is Healing.